Friday, December 3, 2010

happy birthday jonathan

I very much have a heavy heart today. One of my dear friends lost her brother last year to leukemia. Today would have been his 19th birthday.

I met Mel the summer I worked at Glen Lake. By that time Jonathan had already been in the hospital for a couple of months. I was always so moved at the amount of love and support people had for Jonathan. We all spent our summer praying he would get better, but Jonathan endured setback after setback and in October he lost his battle with cancer.

I am so amazed at the amount of faith this family has. They've been through so much, yet they continue to praise God even in the hard times. They are truly an inspiration to me.

Here is a video Mel and her sister made for their brother. I want to share it because I think it's a beautiful celebration of a life well-lived.

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