Sunday, October 24, 2010

dress up

Some of my favorite times in my college career have also been some of my goofiest. I've had nights spent singing along and acting out scenes from Disney movies. I've hosted a camp out in my room complete with fake leaves, fake nature sounds, fake mood lighting, and a fake camp fire. Last night my friend Eva and I got the brilliant idea to play dress up. Our friends Mika and Hannah sat in the living room and would call out a category. Eva and I would run into my room and try to find and outfit that went with said category. Then, Eva and I would walk out into the living room to model our fashions while Mika would play a song that was fitting to the theme and Hannah would take our picture. It was probably one of the more silly things I've done, but I loved it!

                                              Here we are dressed as nerds.
                                          Here we are as aerobic instructors.
                           This is me as a lawyer, serving Mika her court papers.