Tuesday, August 31, 2010

school has begun!

I haven't been doing very well recently about updating this, so hopefully I'll get better now that I'm starting to get back into the swing of things. I'm glad to be back at school. As much as I love home, I really love this place as well.

I'm pretty excited about my classes this semester. I'm taking:
1. History of Education
2. Modern Dance Technique
3. Human Sexuality
4. Educational Psychology
So far I'm enjoying my professors and the subject matter seems like it will all be of interest to me. I'm also going to be an intern at First United Methodist Church of Conway in children's ministry. I think that will be fun, plus it should definitely be a helpful tool in deciding what I want to do later in life.

Shirttails was this past weekend and it is by far my favorite Hendrix event. It's basically a dance competition for all the freshmen. I love it because it's the first big event since summer and the whole school comes out to see it. It just always reminds me what a great community we have here at Hendrix. I was lucky enough to get to choreograph for one of the girls dorms this year. Although we didn't win, it was still a lot of fun to get to know some of the freshmen and get to know the other girls I was choreographing with a little bit better.

That's really all I have for now. I'm sure I'll have more to update on as the year progresses!

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