Saturday, May 28, 2011

waiting for superman

I just watched Waiting for Superman, a movie about education in America. It goes in depth about the problems in our education system and follows 5 kids in their attempt to get in to charter schools, as opposed to the failing schools they are supposed attend. It's a very informative film about what I think is a problem that demands attention and change. I would highly recommend it!

Monday, May 9, 2011

thoughts on today

I'm finally finished my finals and am very ready to start the summer! I thought I'd share three good things about my day.

1. I had a meeting about my internship and we did Myers-Briggs Type Indicator tests. I always find this so interesting. I'm an ESFP. The one unfortunate thing is that psychologists don't really use the Myers-Briggs, but it's still interesting nonetheless.

2. As Mika and I were coming back from Sonic happy hour we saw 3 airplane wings being delivered. They were huge. I'm not really sure why I found this so fascinating, but I did. I think that I was just shocked by how huge airplane wings are when you are driving right next to them.

3. Last but not least, my wonderful daddy drover to Arkansas to help me move my furniture into storage. It was extremely helpful and puts me even more on my way to enjoying summer!